3 Secrets How to Write Achievement-Based Executive Resume Bullets

achievement based executive resume

An achievement-based executive resume is one that focuses on what you accomplished while at your previous jobs. Ideally, this type of resume gives concrete examples of what you can do for your potential employer. Writing achievement-based executive resume bullets are a sure-fire way to stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of being…

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The Most Common Resume Keywords Mistake

The Most Common Resume Keywords Mistake Most job seekers don’t know how to use keywords in their resume. It’s the truth. They ask me “What keywords should I use in my resume?” Even if I was able to tell them specific resume keywords to use for their specific profession on the fly without knowing anything…

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How Introverts Can Show Passion During a Job Interview

The challenges of introverts in the work force have been well documented in research studies, articles and surveys. After all, it would seem that in order to succeed in your career you would need to be an extravert. One such challenge many introverts face is that of showing passion during a job interview. In particular,…

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The Two Interviewing Formulas You Must Know

  In the world of career development the terms “STAR” and “CAR” get thrown around a lot. You may have even heard these acronyms on your job hunt. Some people use them interchangeably, which can lead to some confusion for candidates. We’re here to give you a breakdown of each acronym so give you a…

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