Why Just Updating Your Resume Isn’t Enough

if you just spend time updating your resume without being strategic you could be leaving thousands of dollars on the table

If you keep updating your resume by simply adding on to it (instead of being strategic with your positioning and branding) then you not only end up with a very disjointed Franken-resume, but you end up leaving tens of thousands of dollars on the table. A comment I made on my friend (and job landing…

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14 Strategies to Maximize Your Next Pay Raise

Effectively asking for a raise and negotiating a significant salary increase is no easy feat in today’s uncertain economy.  Frankly, how to negotiate a salary increase is a professional skill everyone needs to master. When you want a raise, the best way is to plan for the raise…don’t just ask out of the blue.  There…

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How to Negotiate an Above-Average Pay Raise and Maximize your Salary

Studies show that the average salary increase hovers at around a measly 3% raise. Understanding how to ask for a raise and being able to negotiate a salary increase is a professional skill everyone needs to master. There are many things you can do ahead of time to increase your odds to landing that increase…

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