LinkedIn Profile Creation | Avoid These 7 Mistakes In Your Job Search With LinkedIn


Start a job search with LinkedIn, and you’ll see what a beneficial tool the platform is for matching job seekers with employers. The trick is to stand out and be seen in a sea of online applicants. In this video, I talk about seven common mistakes people make with their LinkedIn profile creation:

1. You leave your profile’s “current position” section blank. Even if you don’t have a job, complete this section. Are you volunteering? Consulting? Back in school? Show that you’re still active in your industry.

2. You attach an inappropriate profile photo, or you don’t include a photo at all. Potential employers want to see a clear picture of your face.

3. You fail to optimize with keywords. An advantage of doing your job search with LinkedIn is the ability to use relevant keywords in your headline, employment titles, summary, and skills list. But use them naturally – keyword stuffing makes a bad impression.

4. You describe yourself inadequately in your summary. Spend extra time on this critical part of your LinkedIn profile creation. Include your achievements and professional associations. And put in some personality!

5. You list tasks rather than achievements in your employment history. Talk about the challenges you faced, the actions you took to resolve those challenges, and the results you delivered.

6. You fail to get quality recommendations and endorsements. To rank well on LinkedIn, request recommendations from superiors or clients, rather than peers or subordinates.

7. You just sit back and wait once your LinkedIn profile creation is finished. Your profile is simply your online business card. Interact online and engage in LinkedIn activities to generate job interviews.

Be proactive as you continue your job search with LinkedIn – register for my next training:

Daily Career Tips


Landing your next job doesn't have to be an overwhelming, frustrating or time-sucking task. Get daily tips on how to find the position you deserve,  delivered right to your inbox:

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  • How to get prepared for a job change even if you like the job you have.
  • How to handle a chaotic job market and where to focus your job-seeking efforts (hint, it’s not the job boards).
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  • How to get up to speed with your online branding and write a LinkedIn profile that positions you as the #1 expert in your field.
  • How to approach job seeking with the “human touch” so you can keep the bots at bay.
  • And finally, access to our 4-stage META Job Landing system we’ve used with thousands of job seekers just like you.

About Lisa

Lisa Rangel and The Chameleon Team are the only executive resume writing, LinkedIn profile development, and job landing consultancy who has been hired by LinkedIn and recognized by Forbes. Our 4-Stage META Job Landing System stems from decades of corporate and executive recruiting experience to position you to land your next 6 or 7-figure role faster.


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