14 Festive Strategies That Land Interviews During the Holidays

land interviews during the holidays

It’s common to think the holidays are not an ideal time for doing a job search or to land interviews. I hear it all the time… Your head tells you, “No one is hiring.” I am here to tell you that it is not true. This is actually the time we get to have fun with this process! 
The holidays present new, fun opportunities to expand your network and leads to pursue. Whether you are introverted or extroverted, here are ways you can make job searching and holiday networking easier for you to land interviews during this season:  

(1)Networking is not only about going to events—you can also use the phone! 😉
Every day, commit to calling one friend and one former co-worker, whom you have not spoken to in a while, just to see how they are doing. Then let the conversation gravitate to what you are up to… naturally. 
(2) Do your homework before choosing events to attend.
Does it make sense for you to attend the event? If two events present themselves, pick one and do it well. Don’t spread yourself too thin. Research who will be attending to evaluate how it can fulfill your personal or professional goals. Make sure attending serves a purpose for you—even if it is just to have fun. 
(3) Show up with an attitude of giving.
When attending events, enter the event thinking, “Who can I help?” versus having the “Ugh, I don’t know anyone!” or “What are they going to think of me?” mindset. You will appear more genuine and less stressed if you want to offer assistance than if you are feeling you have to fit in with the crowd. 
(4) Spend time with positive people… not the ‘bah-humbug’ crowd. 
It is so important to stay positive during the holidays. I am all for helping people with a pick-me-up. But if you feel someone is just a Debbie Downer who is going to bring you down with him/her, then find someone else to chat with, learn about and help. This is networking not therapy. Help someone who wants your help. 
(5) Not feeling confident about talking to people?
If you’re not sure what to say or ask, read “The Fine Art of Small Talk” by Debra Fine. Choose 4-5 questions out of this book to help you get conversations started. Or use it to create some of your own standbys. This will help reduce the awkward silences that can arise. Some of my favs that get things rolling: a. How are you connected to this group? What brings you to the event? b. What kind of day did you have today? c. What do you enjoy most about what you do? What do you find most challenging? d. Plans for the weekend?
(6) Don’t go alone!
Find a friend or colleague to attend the event with you. But make sure you don’t spend the whole event chatting with each other. You can do that anytime. Plan to facilitate introductions for each other as you meet people throughout the event. 
(7) Make sure you do not show up late.
It’s easier to start conversations with the early crowd, so get there early whenever possible. It can be a challenge to enter conversations already started if you are late. 
(8) Have an eloquent, concise way to describe where you are in life and what you are looking to do in the next phase of your career.
Be prepared to explain that you are looking for a new position and the kind of job you seek, when it is appropriate to share. 
(9) Ask questions. Be curious. 
Make sure you engage people, and learn about problems/opportunities within your contact’s industry to make mental notes of items to research and explore after the event. This could lead to your next job. 
(10) IMPORTANT! Do not ask about job openings at their company. 
Instead, ask questions to gain information about the person you are talking to and learn about their company, interests, and passions. 
(11) While food is great and all… It’s not the main focus 😉
Networking events are about the people—not the food. (I can’t believe I said that!) Seriously, though, do not spend time with the canapés, no matter how fabulous they may be. You are there to expand your network and increase your opportunities—focus people! 
(12) Give 100% of your attention to the person you are speaking with—don’t let your eyes wander. 
People can sense if you are looking for someone more interesting to talk to—so even if that is happening to you, you must be polite to your immediate audience. Excuse yourself gracefully, if need be. Always treat everyone with respect and attention. 
(13) Effective follow is just as important as attending the event itself!
If you enjoyed meeting someone, make sure you email them afterwards, saying so. Or, you could even call them asking to meet for coffee over the next few weeks. This is how relationships start. 
(14) Don’t stress yourself out—Keep your purpose in perspective. 
You are there to meet people and make connections. You will not find a job at the event, so relax. You would not ask someone to marry you on the first date nor would you want to be asked. 
Well, networking opportunities are not even the first date! So set realistic, attainable goals in performing networking activities and you will feel less pressure throughout the season.
These tips should help make this holiday season the one to help you land interviews and bring you the opportunities you are looking for.  Make sure to have fun. Do it right. And above all else, present the BEST YOU so potential employers can see exactly why you are perfect for them.
And, because you’ll be making great connections utilizing the above tips, you’re going to want to make sure your resume is up-to-date and optimized using modern tactics that’ll turn the heads of recruiters and hiring managers. You’re invited to join us for our upcoming No-Cost How to Design a Powerful Resume to Land Six-Figure Interviews and Get the Offer! masterclass training. Gain an upper hand against the competition for the jobs you’re targeting and make sure you’re ready for the busy January hiring season by crafting an impressive piece of marketing collateral that will get you noticed & land interviews!
Reserve your free spot for the session of your choice here -> https://chameleonresumes.com/execrestraining
Be Well!

Lisa Rangel – Executive Resume Writing Services


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  • How to get prepared for a job change even if you like the job you have.
  • How to handle a chaotic job market and where to focus your job-seeking efforts (hint, it’s not the job boards).
  • Where to find great jobs without submitting 500 meaningless job applications.
  • How to slice through the Applicant Tracking System B.S. and land a 6- figure role you love.
  • How to track down the “unpublished job market” and have your pick of the best jobs out there.
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  • And finally, access to our 4-stage META Job Landing system we’ve used with thousands of job seekers just like you.

About Lisa

Lisa Rangel and The Chameleon Team are the only executive resume writing, LinkedIn profile development, and job landing consultancy who has been hired by LinkedIn and recognized by Forbes. Our 4-Stage META Job Landing System stems from decades of corporate and executive recruiting experience to position you to land your next 6 or 7-figure role faster.


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