How ATS Systems Have Become Less Personal and Its Effect on Job Seekers


ats systemsOver the last year, corporations and job board companies are starting to use a search tool called semantic search to help match open jobs with potential candidates better than ever before.

It’s actually been around for about 5 years, but it’s within the last year that it’s begun being used in recruitment (by companies like Deloitte, Bosch and Manpower).

What is semantic search?

It seeks to improve search accuracy by understanding the intended meaning behind the search terms – not simply yielding results on the literal term itself.

For example, if you told the system you wanted to find an eye doctor candidate, it may not only give you candidates calling themselves an eye doctor, but also those candidates calling themselves an ophthalmologist.

Semantic search looks at the meaning behind the word to give you related terms.

It’s taking the thinking away from the recruiter and making the process less personal.

What does the mean for job searching, HR and Applicant Tracking Systems?

Well, like almost everything, it has its pros and cons.

One of the pros can be that the keywords you use in your resume can now be found when related words are used in the search.

For instance, if you are Controller, this term can be a result for Finance Manager, Accounting Director and other related terms.

A con can be that now hiring managers need to be hyper specific as to what they are looking for in a job description. Hiring managers already tend to write poor job descriptions and don’t always know what they want.

So how can an artificial intelligence system know what the hiring manager wants, if the hiring manager doesn’t precisely know?

What is a job seeker to do?

(1) Know it exists:

So you can have a plan to use the right keywords. Don’t obsess about using every keyword, since related words get considered when searching.


(2) Realize only 20% of hires happen through job boards (according to Jobvite):

You don’t want to spend all your time on job boards, but at least you know what you need to do to make your job posting search time more effective.


(3) Focus your job search on reaching out to people:

If you complain that your resume goes into a black hole and you are only submitting to faceless job boards, then re-focus on connecting with people. 65-70% of hires happen through people, so focus your efforts and tactics accordingly.


Want to know how to pick keywords for your resume?

Want to know the most effective tactics for reaching out to people?

Get our private client materials for $297 here:

You will be ahead of the pack and land interviews.

Here is what Jennifer Cinq had to say about these materials:

“I wanted to THANK YOU for all of your wonderful tips and Webinars. I was able to use your resume set-up and I think that is what grabbed the company’s attention. They didn’t even read my cover letter until after we were doing the phone interview. I’ve also passed your name along to about 5 friends and hope that they too will look into your services. You’ve made a difference in my life by helping me on my journey to a new job.”

To get the resources Jennifer used, use this link and get your resources for $297:

Looking forward to your stories!


Be Well,



Daily Career Tips


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  • The #1 addition every resume needs in 2024 and beyond.
  • How to get prepared for a job change even if you like the job you have.
  • How to handle a chaotic job market and where to focus your job-seeking efforts (hint, it’s not the job boards).
  • Where to find great jobs without submitting 500 meaningless job applications.
  • How to slice through the Applicant Tracking System B.S. and land a 6- figure role you love.
  • How to track down the “unpublished job market” and have your pick of the best jobs out there.
  • How to write a resume that will hit hiring managers right between the eyes and have them scrambling to book your interview.
  • How to get up to speed with your online branding and write a LinkedIn profile that positions you as the #1 expert in your field.
  • How to approach job seeking with the “human touch” so you can keep the bots at bay.
  • And finally, access to our 4-stage META Job Landing system we’ve used with thousands of job seekers just like you.

About Chameleon Resumes

The Chameleon Resumes team, led by CEO Lisa Rangel, stands out as the premier executive resume writing, LinkedIn profile development, and job landing consultancy. As the only firm hired by LinkedIn and recognized by Forbes in this space, we bring unparalleled expertise to your career advancement journey. Our proprietary 4-Stage META Job Landing System™ is the culmination of decades of corporate and executive recruiting and executive resume writing experience. This proven methodology is designed to position you strategically for your next 6- or 7-figure role, ensuring you stand out in a competitive job market.


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