Ignore Social Media at Your Own Job Search Risk – 2012 Jobvite Social Recruiting Survey


Job seek­ers can no longer ignore their online pres­ence, according to the 2012 Jobvite Social Recruiting Survey. Job seekers who are not present online, do so at their own peril. Those who are not on LinkedIn are vir­tu­ally invis­i­ble to employ­ers. Hiring managers and third party recruiters are enamored with the easy access to talent afford to them by social net­works. Social net­work­ing is simply pre­ferred by recruiters and employ­ers as a tool to acquire talent. If you don’t believe these state­ments just look at results of the newly released 2012 Job­vite Social Recruit­ing Sur­vey. 

  • 92% of com­pa­nies will recruit in social net­works this year. (Up from 89% in 2011)
  • 43% of recruiters who use social recruit­ing saw an increase in can­di­date qual­ity this year.
  • 73% of com­pa­nies have suc­cess­fully hired a can­di­date through social media.

In addi­tion, LinkedIn has become nearly uni­ver­sal with 93% of com­pa­nies using the site for recruiting and… 66% of com­pa­nies sur­veyed use Face­book and 54% of com­pa­nies use Twit­ter; with both sites show­ing increas­ing usage for recruit­ing pur­poses over the past two years.

And the hir­ing sta­tis­tics are impres­sive as well. 89% of com­pa­nies have made a hire through LinkedIn, fol­lowed by Face­book at 26% and Twit­ter at 15%.

And, did you know that 86% of recruiters are likely to review your LinkedIn pro­file before decid­ing to con­tact you?   This is my logic for having a LinkedIn profile be resume-like in nature, even though some of my resume writing brethren think otherwise.

Social net­work­ing is not going away. In today’s job mar­ket you must have an online pres­ence to attract the atten­tion of employ­ers. Period—end of story. Are you looking good online today? If not, sign up for a call with me today.

Written by Lisa Rangel, Executive Resume Writer

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About Lisa

Lisa Rangel and The Chameleon Team are the only executive resume writing, LinkedIn profile development, and job landing consultancy who has been hired by LinkedIn and recognized by Forbes. Our 4-Stage META Job Landing System stems from decades of corporate and executive recruiting experience to position you to land your next 6 or 7-figure role faster.


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