Successful Video Interviewing Tips for Job Seekers

Video interviewing is becoming more prevalent for corporate recruiting departments, as human resource departments seek out cost-effective ways of interviewing the higher volume of available candidates to locate the right hire for their open roles. Being able to communicate your value to an employer through video or Skype is paramount. Here are nine successful  video interviewing tips that can help you impress your prospective employer and allow your strengths to resonate with the hiring manager:

  • Practice by making a video of yourself answering sample interview questions—then watch yourself answering the questions on camera. That is what you will most likely look like on the screen to the interviewer. Make note of adjustments, mannerisms, eye contact and background settings when applying these successful video interviewing tips.
  • Treat video interviews like a regular interview—so prepare accordingly, as if it was a regular in-person interview. Do your research on the company, interviewer, job and yourself, like you normally would for an in-person or phone interview.
  • Be yourself—on a physical interview, you would engage in small talk, have casual conversation and allow the interviewer to get to know you as a person. Do not let the technology get in the way of this happening. People hire people they like as well as those that have the skills—so focus on having the interviewer like you through the technology.
  • Do not lose sight of the formality of this meeting, especially if your video interview is happening at home with your webcam.  Silence all pets, leave a sign on your front door to not be disturbed and turn off phone ringers. If you have to go to an office, get there early to allow time to get settled, see how you present on their camera, and possibly do a trial run to test the equipment.
  • Look at the background—is it disorganized or professional? Consider taking down some family pictures in the background and balance it out by hanging your college degree. Do you have inappropriate or awkward items within the interviewer’s sight?  Be sure to put forth a clean, professional image by making sure the background is free of visual distractions.
  • Fully dress for the call—yes, wear your suit pants and not your comfy Hawaiian shorts with your collared shirt and suit jacket. You may not think they will see your legs, but if you need to get up for any reason during the interview, can you say, “Awkward?”
  • Dress in solid colors. Video is not the time for that fabulous, new print tie or striped collared shirt—prints and patterns can overpower the screen and make it hard for the interviewer to watch you. It can also detract from what you are saying—and that is the whole point of the interview, yes?
  • Video interviewing can leave an impression—literally. Often employers record the interviews to compare your answers to other candidates.  So be sure what you are sharing in the interview is something that you are okay with being said in a recorded fashion.
  • Put on your best newscaster faceOn video and phone interviews, you have to be a little more animated and expressive that you would in person to convey your enthusiasm. If you feel like you are a ‘little too happy’, chances are you are probably doing it right. Test yourself by filming yourself answering some sample questions to see what it looks like.

Video is not the wave of the future—it is already here. We all have to embrace it and work at doing it successfully. With the successful video interviewing tips above, you are certain to have a solid start to edge out your competition.


Written by Lisa Rangel, Executive Resume Writer

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About Lisa

Lisa Rangel and The Chameleon Team are the only executive resume writing, LinkedIn profile development, and job landing consultancy who has been hired by LinkedIn and recognized by Forbes. Our 4-Stage META Job Landing System stems from decades of corporate and executive recruiting experience to position you to land your next 6 or 7-figure role faster.


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