Job Landing Action: Craft a Target Company List Using Twitter

target company list using twitter

Job Landing Action: Craft a Target Company List Using Twitter

With the rise of social media it’s become apparent that connecting with other professionals online can lead to tremendous opportunities. Furthermore, companies are also using social media to post jobs and Twitter is no exception.

Creating a targeted Twitter list can help you keep potential job contacts and opportunities all in one place. This makes it much easier than searching through your endless Twitter feed on your homepage. Below you’ll find how to create a Twitter list for your job search.

What is a target list on Twitter?

Twitter makes creating a target list easy thanks to their “List” feature. You can either create your own list or subscribe to lists created by others. For your job hunting purposes it would be in your best interest to create your own list.

How to create a Twitter list

You can create the list by clicking on the Lists option on your homepage. Enter the name of your list, for example “CFO Job Opportunities” and make the list private so others don’t see the opportunities you’ve curated for yourself.

You can add people to your list by visiting their pages and clicking on the gear icon. Then click on “Add to List.”

Using Hashtags to Find Users on Twitter

You can find users on Twitter using a variety of options. One of the most popular and effective ways to find relevant users is to search for certain hashtags. For instance, you can search for “#executive #finance #job” and any tweet with that hashtag will appear in the search results.

Using Keywords to Find Users on Twitter

You can also search for keywords. Remember, recruiters and companies use keywords to make sure applicants can find their job postings. It’s no different on Twitter. Find a job posting of a position your eyeing and scan it for keywords, then insert those keywords into the search bar on Twitter. You’ll get search results of tweets and twitter bios who use the keywords.

Using Google to Make Your Search More Effective

If you want to take your Twitter search to the next level you can try using Google. The reason this works is because Google’s search algorithm is more advanced than Twitter’s.
If you’d like to restrict your search to Twitter bios use the search command “[ bio:*keyword -inurl:status].” This will ensure that you’ve filtered out individual status updates.

For more ways on how to use Google to optimize your Twitter search check out How to Search Twitter Users By Bio.

What next?

Once you’ve set up your target company list using Twitter, make sure to check it often for job opportunities. You’ll also want to use it as a networking tool. Do not be shy and tweet to contacts that can help you in your job search.

Most importantly, you must remember that Twitter is primarily about engagement. You don’t want a recruiter to find your profile and see it inactive. Thanks to your customized Twitter list you’ll be able to find relevant industry news you can share with your followers. This helps position you as an expert while you use Twitter to find your next opportunity.

Be Well!


Lisa Rangel – Executive Resume Writing Services

Chameleon Resumes

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About Lisa

Lisa Rangel and The Chameleon Team are the only executive resume writing, LinkedIn profile development, and job landing consultancy who has been hired by LinkedIn and recognized by Forbes. Our 4-Stage META Job Landing System stems from decades of corporate and executive recruiting experience to position you to land your next 6 or 7-figure role faster.


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