Warning: Be Careful of Trading Passion for Glory


passion for gloryHave you watched any of the Rocky movies?

You know that feeling when the song “Eye of the Tiger” comes on and you feel like you can conquer the world?

Well, “Eye of the Tiger” came on when I was at the gym last week, and this line jumped out at me:

“So many times, it happens too fast… You trade your passion for glory”

This got me thinking about what it’s like when you climb the corporate ladder and hit the top ranks in your career.

At least what happened to me…

Twice in my career, I reached the point where I was reporting to the President of a small company.

As I hit my stride getting to that level, the promotions, accomplishments and accolades poured over me.

At first, it was awesome. I felt like a rock star who arrived with the glitzy perks and glamorous paycheck that came with a high level role.

I put in long, hard hours and I was rewarded.

But once I was in the high level role for a while, something strange starts to happen. At least it did for me.

Once I started up the ranks, the glory was great. But often, my passion didn’t rise up with me.

It’s a confusing predicament to be in and no one really warns you about it.

I interviewed very successfully for each promotion I received, but unknowingly started to focus not as much on the passion part as much as how I was qualified to land the role for the glory.

And I would reach the pinnacle and think, “Is this it?”

It seemed empty to me.

And I did that twice.

I realize now it’s common to drive for the glory carrot and forget about the passion—since you think the glory will be enough to fulfill you.

But I am here to tell you it doesn’t.

After about 3-4 months the novelty of a title and higher paycheck wears off, and if the passion isn’t there, you can feel empty.

Look, I’m not saying you should resist your urge to chase achievement or accolades or glory because you’re GOING to lose passion for your job if you do.

What I’m saying is despite that you never quite know how your career is going to unfold or how quickly you’ll rise, you can interview specifically to ensure you will have passion in your new job or promotion.

If you want to know how to land a job or promotion on your terms that aligns with your values or better prepare yourself for your next performance review, you need to know what your values are and what makes you tick.

What if I told you that you can have passion AND glory?

Well, you can…

Our process outlined in our “Interview Confidently” eBook and video training will show you how to get passion and glory here:



Be well!




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  • How to handle a chaotic job market and where to focus your job-seeking efforts (hint, it’s not the job boards).
  • Where to find great jobs without submitting 500 meaningless job applications.
  • How to slice through the Applicant Tracking System B.S. and land a 6- figure role you love.
  • How to track down the “unpublished job market” and have your pick of the best jobs out there.
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About Chameleon Resumes

The Chameleon Resumes team, led by CEO Lisa Rangel, stands out as the premier executive resume writing, LinkedIn profile development, and job landing consultancy. As the only firm hired by LinkedIn and recognized by Forbes in this space, we bring unparalleled expertise to your career advancement journey. Our proprietary 4-Stage META Job Landing System™ is the culmination of decades of corporate and executive recruiting and executive resume writing experience. This proven methodology is designed to position you strategically for your next 6- or 7-figure role, ensuring you stand out in a competitive job market.


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