Reducing Income Loss Anxiety

income loss anxiety

Reducing Income Loss Anxiety I had two teens at home because of school closures due to the coronavirus pandemic. They eat a lot.  So when it became clear that they would be home for a while, I started doing the math on how much they eat and how much we would need. The amount I…

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How You Handle a Crisis Tells Employers a Lot


How You Handle a Crisis Tells Employers a Lot The IMF (International Monetary Fund), recently wrote on their blog: “While quarantining and social distancing is the right prescription to combat COVID-19’s public health impact, the exact opposite is needed when it comes to securing the global economy. Constant contact and close coordination are the best…

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Imperfect Progress vs. Perfection Paralysis

Perfection Paralysis

Imperfect Progress vs. Perfection Paralysis If I am not careful, I can get overwhelmed by subliminally seeking perfection. Paralysis typically follows. I don’t want to do it. It just sort of happens. Compelled to tweak this detail. Do something a precisely certain way. Think all is right with the world when everything happens just as…

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My Little LinkedIn Networking Hacks

My Little LinkedIn Networking Hacks Last week I reached out to 9 LinkedIn connections. Rather imperfectly. Every week I reach out to 5-15 people. Here is how it happened this past week:

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Make Space for Spontaneity

Is your schedule so jammed packed that there isn’t room for something miraculous to happen? Are you so blinded by focus that you can’t see opportunities that come to you from out of no where? I have a story for you…

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Are You a Seniority Slug?

Nowadays, people of all ages are applying for positions at all levels. No longer are just the younger people applying to entry-level jobs and senior people applying to executive-level jobs. {Mind blown}

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